Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Life calls for stupidity

Life calls for stupidity. Wait what? Yes you read that right, life calls for stupidity.  Now before you freak out let me explain.  Stupidity is one thing we are surrounded with and long to escape from; however, without it we wouldn't have the guts to do anything.  Stupid is what leads us to do the crazy.  Maybe its a stupid idea to take a gap year, but without that you may not grow in a way that molds you into a strong person.  Stupid ideas often lead to wonderful endings. Just make sure you don't leave your brain behind when you go off on your "stupid" adventure.  Because often times people mistake an opportunity to grow for a stupid idea and a wast of time.  But just because others don't see the value in what you want to do and put your time and effort into doesn't mean its less or a stupid idea.  Make sure your outside the box and growing in every detraction without the restricting walls you had will staying in a safe and smart comfort zone.

All good things in life call for a hint of stupidity because without stupidity we don't have the guts to do anything.  How many people do you think looked at the light bulb and thought, "dude that is such a stupid idea we already have lamps that burn with fire."  Know in your heart that no matter how crazy, stupid, and out there an idea is if its your dream to do it, follow your heart and show those peoples that stupid sometimes leads to greatness.

A lot of our feelings need "stupid" to work.

Bravery takes stupidity.  No sane person will stand up and go against the norm because they may be judged or looked at as a stupid weirdo.

It takes stupidity to fall in love. No sane person puts themselves out there knowing full well they could get hurt.  It takes a crazy, stupid love to do that to yourself.  It takes bravery and like i said before bravery needs a hint of stupid to work.

It takes stupidity to follow your dreams and passions when they take you off the "safe and smart" path that has been pre-paved for you.

If you look at it most things need the boldness stupid brings to the table.

I'm not saying being stupid is a good thing.  I'm saying if someone says your dream is stupid, show them just how stupid their little box is they are trying to squeeze you into.

Now aren't you glad you have some stupidity in you?


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