Saturday, November 26, 2016

Growing up

Who says you have to be miserable when you grow up?  Well I was talking to the wonderful Ms. Devin today complaining about how I was sleep deprived, hungry, lost, lonely and a whole bunch of other things.  And she said that was part of growing up.  But why I ask!  Why do I have to be miserable to grow up?  I don't think I should at all.  I know life has more to hold than being miserable in my pursuit of growing up.  Life should be fun, full of adventures, but most of all NOT MISERABLE!

If your life isn't what you want it to be find some motivation and change it.  The only thing stopping you from living a life you absolutely love, is you.  Your lack of drive.  Your lack of motivation.  Your lack of passion.  It all comes back to you and how hard you are willing to work for your dreams.  Can life suck, yes of course.  Will it be full of trials, heartache, nights of crying yourself to sleep, absolutely.  But that has nothing to do with growing up and everything to do with life.   But you know what?  You can change the life you have right now.  You hold the power to change the course you're taking right now, you hold the power over your own life.

People live in a mindset of powerlessness over their own life. Whether it be because of school, work, family, or whatever, they don't feel like they have the power to control their own life, their own destiny.  Drop out of school if its not helping you reach your goals or switch majors.  Find a new job that fulfills your dreams.  Don't let your parents opinions or beliefs hold yours back.  Know when to speak up but also know when words are better left unsaid.  Don't be afraid to stand up and go against everything everyone is saying because it goes against what they think you are.  What does it matter what they think you are, they aren't you.  They hold no power over your life. They don't know what battles you fight or what you have already been through.  How can they possible know what your heart longs to do when they haven't felt the things you have.  People are quick to judge with the small amount of information they have about you.  They think they know you by the chapter they have walked into but in fact you are a whole novel.

Be bold in who you are as a person.  I've talked before about being 100% you and age will help with that.  As we grow up we find ourselves, we become truer to ourselves.  Or maybe just more confident in being ourselves.  Regardless of the reasoning behind it age does change us.  I believe it has less to do with age and more to do with experiences.  Because what is age anyways but a numerical representation of the amount of time we have been here.  And only humans worry about time.  Naturally time doesn't exist it's only a figure of our imagination.

Shouldn't we be more focused on the quality of the "time" we spend together than the amount?  Age, time, deadlines, going through the motions of a modern life all of this is new.  We made our lives miserable in the pursuit of happiness. We forget what we are truly after and trie to please those around us.  What's that saying "Never get so busying making a living that you forget to make a life." Or something like that.  Reminder that, the things on this world are only temporary so focus on your life not your living.  Is money nice? What about a big house?  Lots a fancy things?  Yes all of those are good, but what about your dreams or ambition?

Would your five year old self be proud of who you are?  Would they be happy with your choices?  Did you follow your dreams in becoming the person you longed to be?  Or did you let the adult "grown up" world crush you? I surly hope not.  I hope you haven't lost your sense of adventure and imagination.

Take a step back and just breath today.  Relax a little and look at where you are.  Are you truly happy with the track you are on.  Or are you miserable in your pursuit of happiness?  That's a funny thing to think about, isn't it?

Keep pushing, you'll find what you're looking for in your pursuit of a life worth living.


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