Saturday, January 7, 2017

You Are More

Do you love yourself?  When was the last time you talked yourself up.  Took a minute to tell yourself how much you love yourself.  To point out everything you love about yourself.  How you love your eyes or your smile, how honest you are or how you can listen and give some pretty great advice.  When was the last time you took a minute to appreciate yourself.  For who you are and how far you have come from the person you once were.  Can you feel yourself growing, maturing, changing, becoming you?  Becoming more you?  A person that you would say "hell yeah I am a freaking awesome human being that deserves nothing but the best".  Because you know what, you do deserve nothing but the best.  Start treating yourself like you would a friend that's hurting, a friend that needs a little encouragement.  You too need that, you may be strong but even the strong need time to recharge.  Life is hard it sucks at time.  But a messy, crazy, stressful life is a wonderful life.  We live in a horrible world,  but if all you see is the bad you're life will be bad.  I read a quote the other day that went something like this

"We only see the world as colorful as the paint we allow on your pallet"

This is so true.  If we see the world as a dark and hateful place, that is what it is.  But if we look past the darkness the world is actually a pretty beautiful place full of wonderful people.  Amazing places to go and explore we just have to have the courage to jump in and get outside of our comfort zone and experience all the earth has to offer.  We must be bold yet grounded, honest yet kind, full of life and ready for the adventures to come.

It's a new year and as much as I think it's stupid people seem to try to become different at this time.  I mean I think waiting to start something is just silly, if you want to change CHANGE! Don't wait for a new year, don't wait for the right moment because chances are it will never come, the year won't feel like "your year". Every year is your year, hell every day is your day, go out and live.  Go out and love yourself, talk yourself up, tell yourself you are a sexy beast if you want.  Become confident in yourself.   Because you know what, you are amazing, you are a sexy beast, you are a blessing to the world, you are worth more than this world, you are more amazing and wonderful and awesome.  You are more than I can ever put into words.  You are more than the english langue can allow me to say.  You are more than your flaws. You are more than your mistakes. You are more than the best you think you have ever looked. You are more than the nicest compliment you have ever gotten.  You are more.

Go out and be a beautiful mess of a human being.  Go out and wear your flaws with pride. Go out and concur the world.  Go out and rule your life. Go out and follow your dreams with endless passion.  But never forget to love yourself with the same passion and determination as you do to rock at life.


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