Sunday, November 6, 2016

Where's Your Motivation?

We live in a world of going through the motions.  That's it, get up go to work, come home, get ready for tomorrow, repeat...repeat..repeat... Hey a vacation!...back to work..repeat...  So where did your drive go, your goals, your sense of adventure, your passions? What did one day all of a sudden you just had no desire to set goals for yourself, to push yourself to become the best you could be?   We lack motivation to stand out and be different, we are afraid of a fall, of the failure that might come with setting ourselves goals.  But without goals how do we expect to grow, to change, to learn? We simply can't.  "I can't" is stupid, I was talking to a friend the other day and said "I can't do it" over and over again, but you know what I can do it.  It will take time and hard work but I CAN DO IT.  Everyone has days where they have no motivation or drive to do anything and believe me when I say I have those a lot.  Nothing seems to be going right, I just want to give up, but then I remember that I have set myself goals I have things I want to do with my life.  And I know that in ten years I would regret giving up.  So why is it so hard to set goals and achieve them? In all honesty I don't have an answer.  You might be thinking why are some goals easy and others are hard, even if the difficulty levels of reaching them are the same? I don't have an answer to that either.  I'm not being very helpful today am I....Oh well its been a long week.

Let's talk goals.  Do you have any set? Are you striving for something? Maybe it's to run a faster mile, learn how to cook, make new friends, or as simply as learn to love yourself.  Now that last one isn't that simply at all.  It might in fact be the hardest to do but when said everyone thinks it's simply. I mean how hard is it really to love yourself? But you know what, if you don't love yourself you won't set goals, you won't strive to become better.  Because without enough self-love there's no reason to have motivation to do anything. Self-love is hard, it takes patience, forgiveness, a lot of forgiveness, understanding, and hard work.  You don't just wake up one day and decide that everything that you hate about yourself, all the lies you're feeding yourself aren't true.  There's no quick fix to a hate within ourselves. One that is embedded so deeply within it seems like a part of who we are.  Well there was a time when you didn't have that deep hate and you were full of motivation. Everything in life goes back to love, it's what makes us tick. Without self-love we have no motivation, no forgiveness, we have nothing.  Once you can love yourself you can truly grow.  You have to love yourself to give yourself forgiveness.  To give anyone forgiveness for that matter.  Motivation means so much more than just going to the gym or finishing that paper.  It's setting goals, trying new things, going on adventures, it's everything in life worth living.

Let's go back to self-love for a moment. Do you love yourself? Answer honesty.  If I asked you to give me a list of things you loved how long would it take you to say "I love myself"?  Why has someone loving themselves become a bad thing, but we tell each other to love ourselves.  It's the biggest double standard we have.  You hear everywhere that you need to love yourself, but as soon as you do people judge you, call you selfish, ask what's wrong.  Umm excuse me but you told me I needed to love myself, now that I have worked so hard to get here you give me funny looks. Does it scare the people who are insecure? Have you ever seen someone who walks with such confidence and you're over here like man I wish I had that much confidence in myself.  Well honey bun you can.  All you have to do is except yourself in this moment, realize you are already perfect in all of your imperfection.  Self-love is hard but once you can forgive yourself for past mistakes, letting of whatever is weighing you down you can get a foot in the door.  You can start to love yourself without strings.  Should you still strive to grow and become better, absolutely!  But in this moment you need to love yourself so you can grow and change. Change into the person you have always wanted to be. Don't get stuck in what other people think you are. If you suddenly decide to change your style go for it or you want to die your hair a color you never would, do it.  Do what makes you happy.  Be the person you want to be, not the person everyone thinks you are.  Because you might be the sky girl that never does anything wild, but turns out to be an out going, quirky girl full of love. Simply because your friends thought you were someone else, don't fall to peer pressure and never change.   Be driven to be the happiest you can be in this moment.  Stop waiting for the right moment to be happy.  Because there will never be the night moment, it will never come.  That's a fact.  You have today to live, so live it to the fullest.  Have the motivation to reach for your goals, to not only reach them but set harder ones.

Life is short do you really want to spend it simply going through the motions? I know I don't, and I don't think you do either.  Life has so much more to hold then that, so where is your motivation?  Lost somewhere in the past.  Forgotten while trying to make a living?  What happened to making a life while making a living?  I hope you can find your motivation again.


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