Saturday, November 12, 2016


I talk a good bit about loving without strings and you might be thinking what in the world does loving without strings mean!  Well its actually pretty simple to explain, but one of the hardest things to do.  Loving without strings to me mean an unconditional love but so much more.  If you could some up love into one sentence what would it be?  Would it be a passionate, lustful, action of a feeling that takes your breath away.  Or would it be acting silly, cuddling, late nights looking at the stars and falling just a little harder?   Maybe it's nether of those.  Love is different for each person, everyone loves differently at different levels.  Some people can't handle the love some give, others crave a deeper love.  Ones not more right or wrong its just who you are and what you want.  All that matters is that the love that is given is given out of love.  Not for something, its given without strings attached.  Once you start expecting something in return is the moment you should realize you don't truly love them.

A pure love doesn't need anything in return because loving them and seeing them happy is all that you need. You might be thinking why in the world is there a picture of red tulips on a page about loving without stings. Let my explain my madness to you.  My favorite flower is a red tulip they are so elegant and simple, yet full of beauty.  I could go on and on about them but for your sack I'll stop pouring out my love for tulips. 

Back to why there's a picture here.  A red tulip, according to google, means pure love, or perfect love.  I don't think humans are capable of a perfect love though so I'm going with pure.  A pure love of no strings attached.  I think we all long for that, a love so simple it feels natural, effortless.  

Are we capable of a pure love, a love that knows no limits?  I honestly don't know, I've never felt a love I would say was pure in intentions. Yes, I know the love of my family members but that's it for yours truly.  Am I missing out on life not knowing something I fantasies over?  That's for the ones that know a pure love to decide and tell me.  But how do you know you have a pure love? What's the deciding factor defining a "love" and a "pure love"? Are some people easier to love? Are there things such as a fall hard girl or boys you can't live without?  What are people who are considered "fall hard".  For that matter what does it even mean?  I was called that once and never fully understood it.  Basically it means someone you can't live without.  Someone who can live without you but you can't live without them. But shouldn't everyone find that kind of love?  A love so pure and simple you couldn't imagine your life without it.  Have you found that kind of love?  Could you keep it or did you lose it?  Has your heart been broken by a love that made you feel like nothing else could or anything else will?  Do you feel like you lost your only chance for true love? I truly hope not, no one ever deserves to know that kind of pain. 

A broken heart might be the hardest, most painful thing we ever face.  It's crazy how in life most things that bring us the greatest joys also hold the power over us to crush us.  But isn't that what life is full of, a leap of faith.  Jumping head first into learning how to swim or dying in the process.  You know the saying "sink or swim"?  Well I always mess it up and say "sink or downed".  Not a very encouraging thing to say to people. But about a month ago while I was in a very dark place I wrote that down and had a epiphany "Oh wait! sink or drowned, no drowned or learn out to breath under water." We have control over our lives and the ability to love freely without strings.  We have the ability to change how we see things and not succumb to our surroundings.  It's not about your surroundings its about what you are made of.  

Love is a hard thing to understand and even harder to write about. Did I explain to you what loving without strings is? I truly hope so.  Do you think you love without strings.  Like I side at the beginning it's one of the hardest things to do. But one of the most rewording if you can figure out how to.  


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