What is religion? Is it really that important, do we humans have to have it? Well, I think religion is useless. You might be thinking, "What are you talking about, you heathen?!" I'm anything but a heathen and I do believe in a God. But I think we get so caught up in the "religious" part of faith we lose sight of what it's really about. When was the last time you prayed, went to church? Okay, now when was the last time you prayed to God as a friend or actually got something out of going to church. Most likely it's been awhile and thats perfectly ok. Forget religion and focus on growing closer to God. If you aren't getting anything from church stop going and study your Bible at home. Don't focus on the vanity of religion, focus on your relationship with God because in the end that's all that matters. No one will care ten years from now if you went to church every Sunday. All they will care about is who you are as a person. Religion should have less to do with the church face you put on and more to do with the things you do in the shadows. If no one was watching would you be the same person? Would you help someone if you weren't a christian? Or does Christianity make you the person you are? It shouldn't, you should be a good person whether or not the Bible says so. I can't tell you how many people I have met that were so much better than "church goers". Because church means nothing its simply a place you can go to meet fellow believers. Or is it?
Lets shift gears for a moment. What if one of your best friends told you they cut, or that they are gay, or they have suicidal thoughts? Would you freak out, disown them, or try and help? Would it depend on which one it was? What if they used to cut? Or they attempted suicide and all thats left is scars? You might think there is just to much darkness inside them that you can't handle it, what if they start back? What would you do! Or would you say its ok to be different but you need to stop hurting yourself. It's ok you are gay, love is love. Would your beliefs get in the way of someone trusting you with somethings so big? I mean telling someone any of those things is a big thing, the bravery it takes is unbelievable. The trust they have in you to share with you the hurt they face everyday. Would you be the one to let religion get in the way. A religion that tells you to love everyone, get in the way of helping someone who is alone? Alone in this dark world full of people who would leave. Just up and leave say you couldn't handle it, say how could you hurt yourself, you know how much that hurts me. Would you make it a selfish thing, where you only care about your beliefs and not the pain they feel. But you know what, the people that hurt the most are usually the ones that love the deepest, care the most, and want to help in any way. Because they know the darkness and how much it takes out of you to carry that kind of a burden around. It's no easy task to bear the world on your shoulders especially by yourself. So all this being said of course you wouldn't leave your friend if your hearts in the right place. If you're focused on God and not just religion. Because religion is ever changing, but God is the only constant. Love above everything, forgive everyone, and know being a Christian has nothing to do with the fact you go to church and everything to do with how you treat people. God came to earth to save us, to show us love. Yet we tare each other apart in the name of faith, in the name of a God who only wants us to love each other, to love him the creator of the world.
Alrighty back to what I was talking about before. Fake Christianity is a thing and it's mostly made up of people who believe themselves to be real Christians. I run into this a lot, people saying one thing but their actions show other wise. Actions do speaker louder than words they always will because what you do in the shadows, when no one is watching, that's the person you truly are. Would you call yourself a real or a fake Christian? Would you leave a hurting person simply because it went against what people told you, you believed? I truly hope not because those that hurt can bring so much light into your life. Never leave someone simply because they are hard to love, the good ones will never come easily. Everyone has broken edges don't ever let that get in the way of showing them the love they have gone without. People hurt, we all hurt so don't leave someone simply because they hurt themselves or love someone their same gander. That's no reason to leave in fact it's every reason to stay not to change them, but to show them that it's ok and no matter what they are worthy of the love the receive and deserve so much more. Be the friend you wish you had, that's my goal in life. To be the person I always wanted to have. To be a light in the darkness, showing everyone that comes into my life that they mean the world to me and I'll go the extra mile just for them. Because in the need all that matters is you loved freely without strings. That's all that ever matters.
I love you so much, keep being wonderful and never give up on life because it will get better.
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