Saturday, January 21, 2017

Strike three

Have you have failed so miserably at life you just cant even comprehend it.  Like what the heck just happened to me?  Well that happened to Devin and I today.  It actually started yesterday but I'm not going to go into that craziness.

So devin and I had a sleepover.  Flashback to that day of me working for 13 hours being absolutely exhausted, but we still had our sleepover.  We binge watched The 100 and I ate a huge sandwich.  Finally going to bed at four, we didn't get up that next day until 11! Which is pretty late for me.  So I have the grand idea of us going to the beach.  I mean why not? We start out on our adventure down to the beautiful waters with a stop at a smoothie bowl place.  Well....they were closed and don't open up until march.  Strike one for life failing.

Devin says- "Well I hope this isn't how the rest of the day is going to go."

Thanks Devin for jinxing us.

We drive around for a little bit before deciding to stop and park, walk across the street, while getting starred at, and fix us a little spot on the cloudy beach.  It's not sunny at all, the water is so rough, and it's windy, which makes it cold.

While we are walking to the water we pass an elderly couple in their michelin man coats.  Needless to say we contained our laughter about the clothing differences until we were out of ear shot.

Next up, we lay the towels out and sit our butts down to relax and listen to the waves crash up against the the sandy shores.

We next take pictures of each other taking pictures of each other or just looking cute.

Just the normal kind of pictures teenage girls take.  

So all is going well......I decide I want to go put my feet in the water and take more cute pictures.  Everything is going great.....and then destruction hits.  The waves reach our towels, our shoes, my hat, our snacks......

And we have strike two of life fails.  

Now most people would let this ruin their whole day.  Nothing is going right our towels are wet, my shoes have wet nasty sand on them, and Devin's cold.   What are we suppose to do.  Oh! and there is a creepy family watching us.  (I really wanted to flip them off, but decided that might not be the best choice.)  

So this is when your attitude comes into play.  I peer pressure Devin into getting wet and we head to the water and get splashed by BIG waves!  Well big waves for our area.  We get soaked!  The family leaves I loose my swim suit cover up and put a T-shirt on and get real wet!  We laugh, we play around I attempt cart-wheels and handstands while Devin laughs at my failures.  
I was told I looked like I was
doing a flying ninja move.
              ~Thanks Devin~
We mess around for a little longer and head out to get food.  

This is where strike three comes.  We get chicken sandwiches at chick-fil-a instead of chicken strips.  Now this is by no means a huge life fail.  However, it just added to our incredibly crazy, fun, wild, messed up day.

If I could go back and redo it all, all I would do is bring extra towels.  

We don't always have control over the events of our lives, but we do have control over our reactions.  Life throws us curve balls all the time and we must adjust to them.  I will remember this day for the rest of my life because we made the best out of everything going wrong.  Just because life isn't turing out the way you had hoped doesn't mean it can't be amazing.  If today was as relaxing as we had planned I would have missed a huge opportunity to shine.  I can't quite put into words all the feelings that came with standing is rough waters and being ok with it. Truly living in the moment of rough seas and failures of living.  To me, today helped me realize that rough seas can lead to happy memories and learning that we must be our own anchor.  Life may be choppy like the water today, but it's your attitude that effects how your life turns out.  It's your attitude that determines how everything turns out.  
Life is like the ocean. It can be calm or
still, and rough or rigid, but in the end
it is always beautiful. 

Don't let outside forces ruin your day.  Stop and smell the roses because pretty soon they will be gone and you will have missed an opportunity to shine through a failure of life.  Just because the waters are rough doesn't mean you can't find the beauty in them.  

~Side note of Devin being an amazing human~
Devin "Hey it's warm in here."

P.S. Find a best friend that can always make you smile.  I'm lucky to say I've found a friend that makes my heart happy.  

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Adulting? Umm NO

I recently starting working three days a week at the vet down from my house.  Oh boy is it a crazy job.  Working three days a week while also being a full time college student can be challenging and I'm only ONE WEEK in!  I've always loved being busy and having things to do, but this has throw me a little.  My 18th birthday was January fourth and the stigma with that has scared me a little.  I'm an adult now and being an adult is scary.

School is hard, working is stressful, what if I fail, what if I mess up a prescription, what if I do something wrong.  My life is full of "what if's" and worrying about messing up or failing.  To me it's not really living.  Constantly worrying about my life isn't very fun.  So that leaves me with a thought of...

"what should I do?"

I'm not giving up on school or work.  So I guess I continue to chug along.  Which to me is a big part of adulthood. You may not always like where you're at but sometimes you have to focus on your living and not your life to get to a place where your state of life is truly amazing.

 Life is ever changing and you must change and grow with it. Nothing of any great value will come easily, you must work for it.  Which sucks so much because we often times feel overwhelmed with all the struggles and challenges life throws at us.

I'm at a crossroads in my life, stuck in between going to school getting a degree and following the paved path, or quitting school and devoting me life to mission work and helping others in anyway possible.  One will pleases my parents and my bank account in the long run.  But the other seems so adventurous, such a risk that could give off a huge payoff.  But the risk and unknowns may outweigh the chance of success.  The so called "paved path" can also lead to my end game in a much safer less risky way.  But for the time being it leaves me in a life where I'm making a living and not a life.  But is this simply just a means to my end game? Just a small hiccup to my life's dream destination?

Not everything is handed to you on a silver platter, heck most things if not everything isn't.  But that doesn't mean you can't take it and form it into something beautiful with a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears.  Being at a crossroad with the same destination or "dream" but with two very different paths is hard to choose between.  Especially when the paths are both equally hard one is just "safer" than the other.

Being an adult can be hard, but the pay off is mind-blowing. Don't let a few hiccups discourage you.  Aging is a blessing that most people are denied.  Never forget that you aren't entitled to be here, one day something could happen and change your life forever.  Live out your dreams, grow old because someone could have used the chance you wasted.  Some would die for the life you have, the life you may be wasting.  Take chances, jump right in, forget to test the waters and go by faith.  Adult like a boss.  Adult like the bad A you are! Go out and spread the awesome you, the one you may not have found inside yourself yet.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

You Are More

Do you love yourself?  When was the last time you talked yourself up.  Took a minute to tell yourself how much you love yourself.  To point out everything you love about yourself.  How you love your eyes or your smile, how honest you are or how you can listen and give some pretty great advice.  When was the last time you took a minute to appreciate yourself.  For who you are and how far you have come from the person you once were.  Can you feel yourself growing, maturing, changing, becoming you?  Becoming more you?  A person that you would say "hell yeah I am a freaking awesome human being that deserves nothing but the best".  Because you know what, you do deserve nothing but the best.  Start treating yourself like you would a friend that's hurting, a friend that needs a little encouragement.  You too need that, you may be strong but even the strong need time to recharge.  Life is hard it sucks at time.  But a messy, crazy, stressful life is a wonderful life.  We live in a horrible world,  but if all you see is the bad you're life will be bad.  I read a quote the other day that went something like this

"We only see the world as colorful as the paint we allow on your pallet"

This is so true.  If we see the world as a dark and hateful place, that is what it is.  But if we look past the darkness the world is actually a pretty beautiful place full of wonderful people.  Amazing places to go and explore we just have to have the courage to jump in and get outside of our comfort zone and experience all the earth has to offer.  We must be bold yet grounded, honest yet kind, full of life and ready for the adventures to come.

It's a new year and as much as I think it's stupid people seem to try to become different at this time.  I mean I think waiting to start something is just silly, if you want to change CHANGE! Don't wait for a new year, don't wait for the right moment because chances are it will never come, the year won't feel like "your year". Every year is your year, hell every day is your day, go out and live.  Go out and love yourself, talk yourself up, tell yourself you are a sexy beast if you want.  Become confident in yourself.   Because you know what, you are amazing, you are a sexy beast, you are a blessing to the world, you are worth more than this world, you are more amazing and wonderful and awesome.  You are more than I can ever put into words.  You are more than the english langue can allow me to say.  You are more than your flaws. You are more than your mistakes. You are more than the best you think you have ever looked. You are more than the nicest compliment you have ever gotten.  You are more.

Go out and be a beautiful mess of a human being.  Go out and wear your flaws with pride. Go out and concur the world.  Go out and rule your life. Go out and follow your dreams with endless passion.  But never forget to love yourself with the same passion and determination as you do to rock at life.
